The Awakening Uk

The Awakening Uk
The Awakening Uk

Here, a myriad of duality of action and reaction of being immortal in all its majestic glory! In the fourth stage of spiritual awakening, the beauty of the purity of the immortal form of life can not be described in a language that is the sound of the earth! In the fourth stage of spiritual awakening, life in the lives of many people in many aspects of life in the world that are capable of living in God unformed! They continue to drink the nectar of the purity of God to keep doing his immortal mortal! A true disciple of God saw the form of pure life, without happiness, while maintaining satura

How to live happy man fashion is considered the spiritual growth? How to awaken the spiritual wisdom of the inner life? The person who raised the idea of moral duty, human rights activist and aware that the thinking process is a continuous process and the truth of stationary, infinite and formless God can not be known with the wisdom of thinking and its spiritual awakening!

Fourth and final stage of spiritual awakening is a pious person who becomes powerful in the spiritual awakening life cycle. Here the person with spiritual enlightenment is totally immersed in the purity of silence sings in the consciousness of karma. Silence means silence sings to silence freedom of thought and freedom of conscience thought process of mind.

The language of physical life in the third stage of spiritual awakening is an expression of pure consciousness, which lacks the greed, fear, attachment and arrogance, memory of thought, conscience and wisdom of consciousness. All have experience in samadhi! A person with humility, aware that the created world is endless and subtle and can be tested by an individual life. A person with humility in the awareness agrees to live with the silence that sings of pure consciousness and pure love which is conscious of the skeleton in God without form